KRISHNA KUNJ, 14/E/63, Mansarovar yojna, Sector 1, Jaipur-302020
+91 9799648308

About Shriman Bhupendra Tayal Sir

April 25, 2021--- Our day of irreparable loss. Guruji left this world and went to Krishna' Abode, Golok Vrindavan Dham. He was 66 years old. Was hospitalized for 8 days during Covid 2.
Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust
Our Founder Acharya
Krishna Bhakt Shriman Bhupendra Tayal

Sriman Bhupendra Tayal, Founder Acharya of Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust, Jaipur, was an alumnus. of IIT Kharagpur. He was seriously bitten by the Gita bug about fourteen years ago. He had studied in Daly College, Indore, as a Merit Scholar, and subsequently studied Chemical Engineering (B.Tech) and Industrial Engineering & Operations Research (M.Tech) at IIT Kharagpur, West Bengal. After 25 years of leading a corporate life dedicated to the accumulation of worldly resources, Sri Bhupendra Tayal came into association with a Krishna devotee who invited him for weekly Gita meetings (Satsang).

He attended these meetings for a few months, but grew conscious of a nagging dissatisfaction with the form and content of the lectures. In one satsang one shloka from Gita would be discussed by the speaker; no questions or doubts or discussion were allowed. With his sharp intelligence and scientific orientation, he wanted clarification of the statements relating to Gita, but found it was not welcomed.

He then reached the decision to study authentic Gita interpretations for himself and understand the Song of the Lord as far as humanly possible.

Bringing all his considerable mental energy and penetration to the task, he immersed himself into a study of Bhagwadgita as explained by Srila Prabhupad Ji in his “Bhagwadgita As It Is”. He was overcome with admiration for Prabhupad Ji’s insights, sweeping definitions and critical comments. But his spirit was hankering for something more.

The next stage in Shri Bhupendra Tayal’s spiritual quest came when he incidentally heard from a client about an extensive Gita interpretation by Swami Ramsukh Das Ji, named Sadhak Sanjeevani. This person, Damodar Bansal, told him that his father was a great devotee of Lord Krishna and was prepared to swear by Swami Ramsukh Das Ji’s book. Obviously it didn’t take BT long to get his clutches on it.

That was a historic moment in BT’s search for a truly fulfilling interpretation of Bhagwadgita. As he plunged into its pages, he could hardly believe his good fortune.

Swami Ji’s comprehensive, incredibly detailed and loving explication of Krishna’s message for mankind overwhelmed his inquiring mind.

Here at last were answers to all his questions, here were dimensions of life, action and purpose which he had never even dreamed about.The realization dawned upon him that Swami Ji’s Sadhak Sanjeevani is the greatest Gita commentary in existence. Swamiji’s comprehensive, detailed and loving explication of Krishna’s message overwhelmed his inquiring mind. He was engulfed in Krishna’s divine message as explained by Swami Ramsukhdas Ji.

He emerged from his sojourns into the Gita literature with a firm and fervent purpose in his mind — to spread the Word of Lord Krishna among all known and unknown people.

Sadhak Sanjeevani became his constant source and handbook throughout the mission he had mentally undertaken.

Gita Sanjeevani is a program started by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust to help people solve life problems through Geeta. The Trust was established in Jaipur in the year of 2007. It is registered with Devsthan Vibhag, Jaipur. With the help of the digital world, the trust spread awareness of the Bhagavad Geeta among people. The Geeta concept fit tribute to the greatest wizard of all miraculous Lord Krishna. Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust is creating awareness of Shrimad Bhagavad Gita through Audio CD & DVD, Audio Players, free consultation to life problems through Gita, and Bhagavad Gita Classes. By attending classes, people will learn about the Bhagavad Gita and solve life problems. As a true spiritual knowledge source, it reveals both the goal and purpose of human existence. Hence, our team with its full emotion, skill, Krishna-compassion, and intellect, encourage people to read Shrimad Bhagavad Gita and understand the theme of this traditional book. Additionally, we help individuals with problems by consulting them through 18 chapters of Gita. Our main goal We are happy when readers visit our institution and it is our contentment to serve everyone. Our goal is to make the everlasting knowledge of Gita easily available to everyone. The primary goal of our institution is to: Make people fully aware of Gita Teach individuals the Gita teachings Helps people with different problems Gita Sanjeevani is a program started by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust to help people solve life problems through Geeta. The Trust was established in Jaipur in the year of 2007. It is registered with Devsthan Vibhag, Jaipur. With the help of the digital world, the trust spread awareness of the Bhagavad Geeta among people. The Geeta concept fit tribute to the greatest wizard of all miraculous Lord Krishna.

‘Gita Sanjeevani is a program started by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust to make people aware about Lord Krishna’s Teachings and help them solve life problems through Geeta.’

The Man and his Mission

Starting with a handful of acquaintances and friends who listened to his initial plans, BT launched single-handedly a one- year Course in Gita for anyone who had the wish to learn. This was somewhere around June 2010. The work was demanding, but rewarding at the same time for one who was driven by passion and faith. He made copious notes from Sadhak Sanjeevani for his weekly classes, distributing them chapter-wise to his few and somewhat irregular students and, at the end of the first year, had the complete notes on all eighteen chapters of Bhagwadgita bound into a book, now popularly known as Bhavarth.

BT, not by profession but by nature a teacher, grew with the months and years in his calibre, effectiveness and charisma. His classes, growing ever larger and more numerous, received inordinate praise from students and observers alike.

In 2013-14, the popularity of BT’s classes had reached a point where live recordings of his every class from Chapter I to Chapter VIII were compiled into a set of 2 CD’s.

This pair of CDs, capturing real classroom situations, explanations, discussions, illustrations, and anecdotes, was longtime promoted through Online Retailing Giant, Amazon, by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust to carry forward his ongoing vision of bringing the Bhagwadgita into the homes, heart and minds of all Hindi – speaking people. These CDs will be shortly available on our website in the form of pen drive. A lovely gift for someone who can listen while doing some non- engaging work.

B.T. now resides with his beloved Krishna, but in January 2023 his Bhagwadgita Bhavarth has been launched by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust in its English version – “The Song of the Blue Wizard“, according to his wishes and his express command to his wife and pupil Manu Tayal who continues to work in the Trust.