You all know that human birth is very very precious and very hard to get. Why is it so precious?
Because it is only in this human life that the soul could attain eternal bliss. Not only this a human being can also attain that state where there is ever- increasing bliss. This state can only be achieved through devotional service to God.
Further to attain human life in “Kalyuga” is even more fortunate. The reason is that human life is very short in Kalyuga, the average age span of a human being is only 100 years. Hence a man has to lead a spiritual life for a very short period in Kaliyuga. Additionally one attains spiritual knowledge and abstinence in Kaliyuga merely by engaging in devotional service. That’s why even the devtas (demigods) also crave to be born in human life in Kaliyuga.
Lord Krishna, out of His causeless grace has not only given all of us human life but has given that in Kaliyuga. Great saint Tulsidas has also said that this human form has been given to us by God not because of our own efforts but simply out of His causeless benevolence. Hence without wasting a single moment we should get engaged in devotional service to God, so that we may attain our life’s goal before the body dies. Now how do we attain the life’s goal?
Shrimadbhagwad Gita is the transcendental word or song of Lord Krishna, hence none of the scriptures can be compared with it. Shri Krishna has also stated in Shrimad Bhagwatam that the spirit in human life can attain its goal (and thus reach spiritual fulfilment) only by the methods preached by Him in Bhagwad Gita. He has further stated that there is no other method, other than the ones preached by Him, to make the human life successful.
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