It is often said that one cannot escape from the consequences that he has created by bad karma. The suffering no matter how big or small will be unleashed on him according to the sins or bad karma he has done. But is this really true? Will we have to face the after-effects of everything we’ve done? Well, if you too are curious enough, then read this write-up to the full and get to know about the same!
Well, punishment is not the word that we’ll use for this as our Vedic values work on the concept of cause and effect. No one can escape from the same. The reason behind this is that according to our nature, goodness, and passion, we generate different causes that could not be found in the pure state. All we do can be characterized into these three and the resulting effects of the same are bound to occur. Simply put, life is everlasting and it goes on despite the positive or negative circumstances. It starts with one body and then goes onto the next in the similar manner as we go from the body of a small child to the body of an elderly man/lady. When there comes a point at which our body is exhausted, we change our body just like we change garments; when they get worn off. The impressions of a lifetime are put away in the intuitive and impact the awareness in the newly formed body. Not only the impressions but also the unpretentious responses to the exercises that we have performed in our past lives are there in our subconscious mind. These are uniquely designed for every person and are combined with our needs to give us another experience that we often call ‘an existence’.
So everything, great, terrible or impassive that happens is just because of our past causes. Based on them, everything is pre-decided, be it the family in which you take birth, your gender, the kind of body you have, the measure of knowledge, devotion, criminal slant, state of mind, our relationships even the type of kids that we’ll have, everything is altogether decided from our past lives. Therefore we say that everything is coded into your fate, the time and place of your introduction to the world, and the affiliation you have through your life.
As we cannot do anything in this, we can use our free will wisely and plant good karmic seeds for the benefit. No matter how hard you try, escaping from the after-effects of things you’ve done is never possible! Not only our Vedas and Puranas but also Buddha has said that time changes, so does your fate. So don’t devalue or hurt someone too much. You may feel empowered today for time being, but time is the most powerful of all! Moreover, karma treats everyone alike! In any case, remember that “We reap what we sow. If things do not catch up with us in this lifetime, rest assured they would do so, in another.
However by God’s grace there is a reprieve available- whatever you may have done in the past if you decide firmly to perform henceforth actions only for the pleasure of God or perform actions only in accordance with those prescribed in Gita results of your past actions would be destroyed and you would not need to come in this material world again.