Bhagavad Gita 5.23

Bhagavad Gita 5.23: Verse 23

शक्नोतीहैव यः सोढुं प्राक्शरीरविमोक्षणात्।
कामक्रोधोद्भवं वेगं स युक्तः स सुखी नरः।।5.23।।

भावार्थ - Gist

जो साधक इस मनुष्य शरीर में, शरीर का नाश होने से पहले-पहले ही काम-क्रोध से उत्पन्न होने वाले वेग को सहन करने में समर्थ हो जाता है, वही पुरुष योगी है और वही सुखी है॥5.23॥

The one who is capable of enduring the force of desire and anger before leaving the body, that person is truly a yogi and he only is happy.

व्याख्या - Explanation

1. (क) मनुष्य शरीर मुक्त होने के लिये ही मिला है। इसलिये जो काम-क्रोध को सहन करने में समर्थ है, वही इसका अधिकारी है। मृत्यु का पता नहीं, कब आ जाय, अतः बिना देरी किये काम-क्रोध के वेग को सहन करने की चेष्टा करना चाहिये।
(ख) चेष्टा करके यदि आप इसे करने में सफल नहीं होते, तो सच्चे मन से भगवान् कृष्ण की शरण में चले जायें। वे अवश्य ही आपकी मदद करंेगे।
2. काम-क्रोध के वेग को सहन करने का तात्पर्य है- काम, क्रोध के वेग को उत्पन्न ही न होने देना। काम-क्रोध का पहले संकल्प उत्पन्न होता है, फिर वेग आता है। यदि संकल्प ही उत्पन्न न होने दिया जाय, तो वेग आ ही नहीं सकता।
3. साधक के लिये एक नम्बर की बात है कि वह इनका वेग उत्पन्न होने ही न दे। दो नम्बर की बात है कि यदि वेग उत्पन्न हो जाय, तो इसके वशीभूत होकर क्रिया न करे।
4. इससे भी बड़ी बात है कि यदि साधक अपना अभिमान छोड़कर केवल कृष्ण से सहायता माँगे, तो शत-प्रतिशत वे इसे अपने ढंग से सँभालते हैं।

1(a)   This human body has been given to us for our liberation. However only those who have developed within themselves the capacity to bear the force of desire & anger are eligible to attain liberation. Nobody knows when death would come as the end of all our efforts. Hence without wasting a moment of this human life one should strive to bear the force of desire and anger.

(b)  Every man has to engage in this endeavour for himself. Nobody else can do it for him. But he needs to bear in mind constantly the rule that for the person who is seeking lasting happiness, it is absolutely essential to face unflinchingly the force of desire and anger. If you do not succeed in your attempts to bear this force, surrender yourself to Krishna- He would certainly come to your rescue.

  1. This shloka could also be taken to mean that before the body starts acting under the pressure of desire and anger, one should be able to withstand this pressure and not allow oneself to act under its evil influence.
  2. The means to control intentions arising out of desires & anger –

(a) Not to accept the existence of desire and anger within us. They are transient whereas we, the spirit, are eternal.

(b) When we know desires and anger as existing separately from us, we must realize that they could not be a part of us.

(c)  We could achieve a state where we are not affected by desire or anger.

Why? Because Krishna says so.

(d) Krishna has termed desire and anger as defects existing in and arising out of nature (13.6). Hence these are not existing within us and to assume their existence in us is to invite them.

  1. First of all the seeker should not let their force arise; secondly if this force does arise then he must not act while remaining under their influence.
  2. Best of all means would be to surrender totally to Krishna and pray for His help in dealing with them. He would then certainly come to our rescue.