Bhagavad Gita Bhavarth (English) – The song of the Blue Wizard

Bhagavad Gita Bhavarth (English) – The song of the Blue Wizard


The Bhagavad Gita often referred to as simply the Gita, is a 700 verse Hindu scripture in Sanskrit that is part of the Hindu epic Mahabharata (chapters 23–40 of the 6th book of Mahabharata). The Gita is set in a narrative framework of a dialogue between Pandava prince Arjuna and his guide and charioteer Lord Krishna.

To read Bhagavad Gita in short, Bhavarth is the best choice. Buy Bhagavad Gita Online through Gita Sanjeevani.

You can learn and understand Bhagavad Gita by reading the Bhavarth version of the Holy Book. The Bhagavad Gita Bhavarth by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust  has compiled the summary of the Holy Book in Hindi for better understanding of Bhagavad Gita in a simple manner, for the masses.

Additional charge of 50 inr will be included as shipping charge.

You can also get the gist of Bhagavad Gita through these two ways:

  1. Through our Facebook page. We daily share paragraphs and shlokas from Bhagavad Gita on our Facebook page. You can follow us on our facebook page and learn through videos.
  2. You can order Bhagavad gita DVD and Bhagavad Gita Audio Player through our shop page.

5 reviews for Bhagavad Gita Bhavarth (English) – The song of the Blue Wizard

For many years I had nurtured in my heart a keen desire to understand the meaning of Bhagavad Gita– the only book worldwide in which God himself is talking to a mortal. Arjun, like so many of us confused mortals, is torn in a sharp conflict between duty and attachment raging within himself. A battery of questions assails him as he finds himself between the two armies ranged for battle. “How can I perform my duty when it involves killing my own kith and kin, my relatives by blood or marriage? How will I ever know joy and peace with the bloodstained wealth which is the prize of victory? Why am I on this battleground at all and how can I escape the guilt of this impossible situation? Each one of us has to fight his battles in this life, and Srimadbhagwad Gita, Krishna’s incredible message for mankind, illuminates the intellect until doubts and delusions melt away and the heightened perception, revealed meaning and the supreme wisdom of Krishna overwhelms us with light, joy and peace. The simple, fluid and alluring diction of this English version is a fitting melody for “The Song of the Blue Wizard”. This book is a labour of love.

“The Song of the Blue Wizard” is an attempt to render into English the timeless wisdom of Krishna’s incredible message to mankind contained in Srimadbhagwadgita Bhavarth, a condensed version of Sadhak Sanjeevani, Swami Ramsukhdas Ji’s celebrated commentary on Gita.This English version seeks to preserve the integrity of the original text and presents it with accuracy, precision, sense of subtle meaning and spontaneous devotion. The language is an unexpected bonus. A gripping experience.

I got a copy of the book ‘The Song of the blue Wizard’ which is a translation of our popular book ‘Shrimad Bhagwat Gita Bhavarth’ into English. I went through the initial pages of the book. The language of the book is very lucid and flows like a wave of calm waters. It is interesting and easy to understand. It is possible only by a person having deep understanding of English Literature. It is really a joy to read this book. The content of the book is excellent because it is basically the translation of the original book ‘ Geeta Bhavarth’ that we all know well. The soul of ‘ Srimad Bhagwat Geeta’ and message of lord Krishna is kept intact in ‘ The song of the Blue Wizard’.
Even after such an excellent work Madam Tayal says ‘ all the good things you find in the book are of lord Krishna and all the shortcomings and the faults you may find in the book are due to me’. this is the great humbleness of Madam Tayal.
I bow before our Guru Madam Manu Tayal Ji and salute her for accomplishing this great task despite several hurdles. No doubt lord Krishna has given her all the strength to make it happen.
I appeal to all the English Knowing sadhakas to get a copy of this book and be graced with its message AND also to recommend to your near and dear ones to get this book because after all it is the work of lord Krishna which is very dear to him.

This is an excellent book on SHRIMAD BHAWAGT GEETA, spoken by lord Krishna 5500 yrs ago.

This Book provides guidance on how to live a fulfilling life and teaches important spiritual values such as detachment, selflessness, and devotion to God.

One of the most significant themes of this book, is the concept of dharma, which refers to one’s duty or path in life. Lord Krishna explains to Arjuna that it is his dharma to fight in the upcoming war and to fulfill his responsibilities as a warrior, even if it means killing his own relatives. This theme of fulfilling one’s duty is relevant to people in all walks of life and is a valuable lesson for anyone seeking to live a purposeful life.

This Book also emphasizes the importance of meditation and self-reflection as a means of achieving spiritual growth. Lord Krishna teaches Arjuna about the different paths of yoga, including karma yoga, bhakti yoga, and jnana yoga. By practicing these paths of yoga, one can attain liberation from the cycle of birth and death and achieve union with God.

Overall, The song of blue Wizard is a profound and insightful text that offers guidance and wisdom for anyone seeking to live a meaningful and fulfilling life. Its teachings on dharma, detachment, selflessness, and devotion to God are universal and relevant to people of all cultures and backgrounds.

First of all, Why should we read Bhagwadgita?

To answer this Why, I will quote from the book itself – “Bhagwadgita stands alone among all the scriptures of the world as the single book in which God Himself is speaking directly to a mortal man and revealing the essentials truths about life.”
Hence, if we want a successful life, we must read Bhagwadgita.

Now coming to the point that Why should we read this book?

To answer this question, I would take you back to 2011 when a book called Gita Bhavarth was published in Hindi by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust. Since then, the Bhavarth book has been loved by thousands of Gita Sadhaks.
It was long felt need that this immensely popular book should be translated into English.
The desire of Gita Sadhaks has been fulfilled by this English version of Gita Bhavarth book.
The speciality of this book is the rich English vocabulary but at the same time the real beauty is that although the language is very rich, still it is easily understandable by Gita lovers of all age groups.
So, let’s dive into the sea of wisdom given by the God himself and try to attain the ultimate goal of human life as told by Bhagwan Shri Krishna..

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“The Song of the Blue Wizard” is an attempt to render into English the timeless wisdom of Krishna’s incredible message to mankind contained in Srimadbhagwadgita Bhavarth, a condensed version of Sadhak Sanjeevani, Swami Ramsukhdas Ji’s celebrated commentary on Gita.This English version seeks to preserve the integrity of the original text and presents it with accuracy, precision, sense of subtle meaning and spontaneous devotion. The language is an unexpected bonus. A gripping experience.

— Anurag Gangal, Professor, Head of Department, Director(Retd), Jammu University, Jammu.

Why Bhagwadgita?

Bhagwadgita stands alone among all the scriptures of the world as the single book in which God Himself is speaking directly to a mortal man and revealing the essential truths about life. It is these truths about life which lend meaning, purpose and the possibility of fulfilment to this life which for most of us is nothing more than a game of blind man’s buff.

You can learn and understand Bhagavad Gita by reading the Bhagwadgita Bhavarth  (Enlish version) which is a easy translation of the Holy Book. In the book, Bhagavad Gita BhavarthThe song of the Blue Wizard, by Lord Jagannath Charitable Trust, we have compiled the summary of the Holy Book in English for better understanding of Bhagavad Gita in a simple manner, for the masses.

An additional charge of 50 INR is included as shipping charge.

You can also get the gist of Bhagavad Gita through these two ways:

  1. Through our Facebook page. We daily share paragraphs and shlokas from Bhagavad Gita on our Facebook page. You can follow us on our facebook page and learn through videos.
  2. You can order Bhagavad gita DVD and Bhagavad Gita Audio Player through our shop page.